Source code for pyhpecw7.features.vrrp

"""Manage VRRP groups on HPCOM7 devices.
from pyhpecw7.utils.templates import cli

[docs]class VRRP(object): """This class is used to collect data or configure a VRRP group on a given interface. Args: device (HPCOM7): connected instance of a ``pyhpecw7.comware.HPCOM7`` object. interface (str): name of the Layer 3 interface vrid (str): virtual router ID (group number) Attributes: device (HPCOM7): connected instance of a ``pyhpecw7.comware.HPCOM7`` object. interface (str): name of the Layer 3 interface vrid (str): virtual router ID (group number) """ def __init__(self, device, interface, vrid): self.device = device self.interface = interface self.vrid = vrid # contains response from using CLI method self._existing_all = None # interface command used when sending CLI commands self.intf_command = 'interface {0}'.format(interface)
[docs] def get_vrrp_groups(self): """Get list of VRIDs for a given Layer 3 interface Returns: This returns a list of VRIDs configured on a given interface. """ commands = 'display vrrp interface {0} verbose'.format(self.interface) rsp = self.device.cli_display(commands) self._existing_all = cli.get_structured_data('vrrp.tmpl', rsp) vrids = [each.get('vrid') for each in self._existing_all if each.get('vrid')] return vrids
[docs] def get_auth_type(self): """Get auth type for a given VRID on a given interface Returns: This returns a dictionary with the following k/v pairs: :auth_mode (str): "simple" or "md5" :key_type (str): "cipher" :key (str): it will be a cipher It will return an empty dictionary if it VRID does not exist. """ auth = {} commands = 'display current-configuration interface' \ + ' {0} | inc "vrid {1} auth"'.format(self.interface, self.vrid) rsp = self.device.cli_display(commands) by_line = rsp.split('\n') for each in by_line[1:]: if 'authentication-mode' in each: auth = each.split('authentication-mode')[-1].strip() auth_vars = auth.split(' ') if len(auth_vars) == 3: auth_mode = auth_vars[0] key_type = auth_vars[1] key = auth_vars[2] auth = dict(auth_mode=auth_mode, key_type=key_type, key=key) return auth
def _apply_value_maps(self, existing): """Manipulating value for preempt """ if existing.get('preempt'): existing['preempt'] = existing.get('preempt').lower() return existing
[docs] def remove(self, stage=False): """Stage or execute commands to remove VRRP group. Args: stage (bool): whether to stage the command or execute immediately Returns: True if stage=True and successfully staged CLI response string if immediate execution """ commands = [] commands.append(self.intf_command) commands.append('undo vrrp vrid {0}'.format(self.vrid)) commands.append('\n') if stage: return self.device.stage_config(commands, 'cli_config') else: return self.device.cli_config(commands)
[docs] def shutdown(self, stage=False): """Stage or execute commands to shutdown VRRP group. Args: stage (bool): whether to stage the command or execute immediately Returns: True if stage=True and successfully staged CLI response string if immediate execution """ commands = [] commands.append(self.intf_command) commands.append('vrrp vrid {0} shutdown'.format(self.vrid)) commands.append('\n') if stage: return self.device.stage_config(commands, 'cli_config') else: return self.device.cli_config(commands)
[docs] def undoshutdown(self, stage=False): """Stage or execute commands to undo shutdown of VRRP group. Args: stage (bool): whether to stage the command or execute immediately Returns: True if stage=True and successfully staged CLI response string if immediate execution """ commands = [] commands.append(self.intf_command) commands.append('undo vrrp vrid {0} shutdown'.format(self.vrid)) commands.append('\n') if stage: return self.device.stage_config(commands, 'cli_config') else: return self.device.cli_config(commands)
[docs] def get_config(self): """Get the config of a given vrid on a given interface Returns: This returns a dictionary with the following k/v pairs: :auth_mode (str): "simple" or "md5" :key_type (str): "cipher" :key (str): it will be a cipher :priority (str): VRRP priority :preempt (str): "true" or "false" (STRING) :vip (str): virtual IP address """ self.get_vrrp_groups() config = [each for each in self._existing_all if each.get('vrid') == self.vrid] if len(config) == 0: existing = {} elif len(config) == 1: existing = config[0] auth = self.get_auth_type() existing.update(auth) existing = self._apply_value_maps(existing) return existing
[docs] def build(self, stage=False, **kvargs): """Execute or stage XML VRRP configuration and send to staging Args: stage (bool): whether to stage the command or execute immediately kvargs: see Keyword Args Note: If auth is being configured, all three auth Keyword Args are required. Keyword Args: vip (str): REQUIRED - virtual IP address auth_mode (str): OPTIONAL - "simple" or "md5" key_type (str): OPTIONAL - "cipher" or "plain" key (str): OPTIONAL - text string if ``key_type`` is "plain" or cipher if ``key_type`` is "cipher" priority (str): OPTIONAL - VRRP priority preempt (str): OPTIONAL - "yes" or "no" (STRING) Returns: True if stage=True and successfully staged CLI response if immediate execution """ commands = [] CMDS = { 'priority': 'vrrp vrid {0} priority {1}', 'preempt': 'vrrp vrid {0} preempt-mode', 'vip': 'vrrp vrid {0} virtual-ip {1}', 'auth': 'vrrp vrid {0} authentication-mode {1} {2} {3}', } vip = kvargs.get('vip') prio = kvargs.get('priority') preempt = kvargs.get('preempt') auth_mode = kvargs.get('auth_mode') key_type = kvargs.get('key_type') key = kvargs.get('key') if vip: commands.append((CMDS.get('vip')).format(self.vrid, vip)) if prio: commands.append((CMDS.get('priority')).format(self.vrid, prio)) if preempt == 'yes': commands.append(CMDS.get('preempt').format(self.vrid)) elif preempt == 'no': commands.append('undo ' + CMDS.get('preempt').format(self.vrid)) if auth_mode: commands.append((CMDS.get('auth')).format(self.vrid, auth_mode, key_type, key)) if commands: commands.insert(0, self.intf_command) commands.append('\n') if stage: return self.device.stage_config(commands, 'cli_config') else: return self.device.cli_config(commands)